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Posted by on Feb 2, 2015 in Ailments, Ailments N-S | 0 comments

Home Remedies for Ringworm

Home Remedies for Ringworm

Ringworm is an illness due to a fungus. It’s extremely contagious. Due to this, it may be hard to eliminate it, particularly on the scalp. There are also some natural home remedies that work of course, even though there are some prescription drugs available that will help you handle it. When used there is a note of warning, and that is that a number of these treatments might hurt while they’re helping.


Garlic is an astonishingly favorable member of antifungal foods which has been used for innumerable health conditions, including ringworm. The first in our list of at home remedies for ringworm merely needs you to peel a clove, reduce the garlic into slim slices, place it onto the ringworm, and protect the place with a band-aid overnight. You might attempt smashing the garlic up more if you like, or just rub the pieces on the place that is affected. More, it is possible to employ the garlic all through the day for best results.

Apple Cider Vinegar

As well as being appetizing on salads and helping relieve other ills like blood pressure problems, apple cider vinegar will remove ringworm. Making use of a cotton ball, utilize the vinegar by placing it straight onto the area being affected 3-5 times per day for 1 to 3 days.

 Tea Tree Oil

As it has been employed for decades by the Australians, this oil is a favorite ingredient for several cosmetics including shampoos and hair oils. In addition, it has a lengthy history of helping to treat cuts, burns, and infections. You can use this twice per day by making use of a remedy that contains as much as 50% of tea tree oil (dilute the rest with water). An improvement should be seen by you after approximately four weeks.


This seasoning actually has some pretty great natural antibiotic qualities. Making use of a juice extractor, apply fresh turmeric juice onto the areas that are affected until you see the problem go away.

Vinegar and Salt

Form a paste of vinegar and salt and apply it directly onto the ringworm. Allow it to sit for 5 minutes. Those who have used this approach to handle ringworm say it tends to take about 7 days or so for the illness to dissipate.

 Internally-Olive Leaf

Olive-leaf infusion has antifungal qualities and aids to boost the body’s immune system. Take this one 3 times per day (250 mg) until the problem subsides.