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Posted by on Jun 5, 2014 in Ailments, Ailments A-F | 0 comments

Anaphylactic Shock


What people should do if they are having an Anaphylactic Reaction.


If you are having an anaphylactic reaction, get help immediately! You should try to stop the reaction as soon as possible.

Sometimes, 2 glasses of water with 2 tbsp of epsom salt will stop the reaction.

Sometimes, 2 glasses of water with 2 tbsp of unrefined sea salt will stop the reaction.

If stung by a bee, wasp, or other insect mix activated charcoal with bentonite clay (clay is optional) and make a paste to cover the wound-it will pull the poisons out very quickly.If you do not have clay use the activated charcoal alone. Change this every 10 minutes, applying fresh charcoal/clay mixture until the reaction has dissipated.

Remember, you don’t need to have activated charcoal for it to work. The charcoal from a wood stove, fire pit, or leftovers from a forest fire will also work, especially if you are far from regular outlets of activated charcoal or a hospital. Remember also, time is of the essence. Quickly make a charcoal paste, using a little water and whatever charcoal you can get, and smear it directly on the bite area.

I would also place 1/2 tsp in a glass of water and have the person drink a glass of this water every 20 minutes until all symptoms subside.