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Posted by on Dec 4, 2016 in Foods & Supplements, Foods & Supplements A-F, Foods & Supplements N-S | 0 comments

Okinawa Coral Calcium

Calcium deficiency has been linked to such conditions as: arthritis, heart disease, osteoporosis, eczema, Alzheimer’s disease, high cholesterol, muscle cramps, kidney stones, gallstones, gout, indigestion, chronic fatigue syndrome, lupus, hypertension, and frequent headaches.

There are over 200 different diseases link to calcium deficiency and the benefits of calcium supplementation are more apparent today than ever before.

Calcium deficiency has been linked to such conditions as: arthritis, heart disease, osteoporosis, eczema, Alzheimer’s disease, high cholesterol, muscle cramps, kidney stones, gallstones, gout, indigestion, chronic fatigue syndrome, lupus, hypertension, and frequent headaches.
Calcium isn’t just for healthy bones and teeth.

Calcium is involved in literally hundreds of vital bodily functions, from pumping of the heart to DNA replication.

If the body doesn’t get enough calcium, it takes it from the bones which can lead to Osteoporosis.  One very important function of calcium in people (and animals) is to neutralize acidity and help achieve the proper pH balance. The proper pH balance is to maintain the body at neutral (pH 7) to slightly alkaline levels. Alkalinity is essential for life, health, growth and vitality.  pH levels lower than seven are considered acidic.

To fully realize the importance of maintaining a neutral to alkaline level consider this: at pH 6 crabs die, salmon die at pH 4 and all fish die at pH 3.