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Posted by on Feb 24, 2017 in Herbs, Herbs G-M, Herbs N-S | 0 comments

Shitake Mushroom

Shitaki is the most gourmet of the fresh mushrooms cultivated around the world. Shitake mushrooms have all the essential amino acids (9) in a higher, more condensed proportion than soy beans, meat, milk or eggs. They provide us with essential vitamins and minerals, among them A,B, B12, C, D and Niacin. They are valued both for their flavor as well as their medicinal benefits.

Shitake mushrooms‘ medicinal benefits include:

  • They reduce cholesterol
  • They strengthen the immune system
  • They reduce high blood pressure
  • They cure liver diseases
  • They diminish the possibility of colds and flu
  • They induce the formation of interferon (chemical substance that immunizes cells to virus infections)
  • They reduce tumors
  • There are clinical studies that prove they have a positive effect against AIDS.
  • The button of the Shitake mushroom has a smooth and spongy texture. Shiitake mushrooms taste better if they are cooked, and they adapt easily to most culinary techniques. They add a meaty sensation to pasta, soups, appetizers, entrĂ©es and supplementary dishes. Healthy and nutritious, Shitake mushrooms have the main nutritional qualities to be considered and served as a main dish.
  • Currently Shitake mushrooms constitute one of the main protein sources in Japan, China and several countries in the pacific.